getting #Error when a Count function finds no records


Paul James

I've got a calculated field that consists of the expression
"=Count([lastname])" which works fine as long as there are some records in
the underlying record source. However, when there are no records to count,
the field displays the #Error value. I tried using the Null to Zero
function NZ() to eliminate the #Error:


but that didn't work because I still got the #Error.

I also tried the following expression:

=IIf(Count([lastname])>=1,Count([lastname]),"no records for this

but that still returns #Error when there are no records in the recordset.

Can anyone tell me how I can count the records and return a text string like
"no records" when the recordset is empty, instead of getting the #Error when
there are no records to count?

Thanks in advance.


Timothy C. Doherty

You need the nz function wrapping the Count function:


jamie considine

Also try using a count query, i.e.

dim db as database
dim rst as recordset
dim lngVar as long

set db = currentdb
set rst = db.openrecordset("SELECT Count([LastName]) as
RecNo FROM TableName)
lngVar = rst![RecNo]
set db = nothing
set rst = nothing

Paul James

Timothy - thank you for your response. However, I tried the expression you


and it doesn't seem to sork because it still displays the #Error message
when there are no records in the recordset.

Any other thoughts?

Paul James

Duane - I tried your suggestion and it works.

Thanks for your help (again).


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