good book to learn access



can someone advise me of a good book to learn (right from the beginning) how
to use access. I am running office 2000
A lot of books only show you the basic information, but I am only learning.


the following comments make the assumption that you're not familiar with the
Access software, and not familiar with relational database design:

there are really two parts to learning to use Access correctly and
effectively: 1) the mechanics using of the software, and 2) relational
database design concepts.

of the two, relational database design concepts are more important, and more
immediately necessary. the very first step in building a database is
defining the tables and relationships (referred to as normalization) - if
you don't do that correctly, the rest of your work with the software will be
nothing but headaches and frustration.

one good text to learn database design is Database Design for Mere Mortals
by Michael Hernandez. you can also google "table normalization" for many
links on this subject.

once you understand how to design your database correctly, a very good text
for learning to use the MS Access software from the ground up is Microsoft
Access <version> Bible by Prague and Irwin. after you master the basics of
building tables, queries, forms, reports and macros, you'll have a good
foundation to move on to more advanced techniques, especially in queries and
forms, and including programming with VBA.

there is a fairly steep learning curve to building Access databases - you
have to put some elbow grease into it - but it can also be a lot of fun, and
the more you learn, the more you'll amaze yourself (and everyone around you)
with what you can do with it!


sharon said:
can someone advise me of a good book to learn (right from the beginning) how
to use access. I am running office 2000
A lot of books only show you the basic information, but I am only


thank you tina for your advice..I will follow up on your suggestions.

Tom Wickerath

Hi Sharon,

To add to what tina has said, here are some links to get you started. Don't underestimate the
importance of gaining a good understanding of database design. Brew a good pot of coffee and
enjoy reading!
(See the last download titled "Understanding Normalization")

Also recommended: Find the copy of Northwind.mdb that is probably already installed on your hard
drive. Study the relationships between the various tables (Tools > Relationships...)

Since you are new to Access, I suggest investing some time in learning about naming conventions
as well:

Special characters that you must avoid when you work with Access databases

Reserved Words in Microsoft Access

List of reserved words in Jet 4.0

Commonly used naming conventions


thank you tina for your advice..I will follow up on your suggestions.

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