Graph axis / centre location change



Hi having now with the help from this forum suceeded in plotting my x y
scatter graph i now wonder the following ....

please assume for example my x axis is 200 - 400 and the same for my y

I would like to be able to zoom into the graph so for example i can see
more clearly at heavily plotted areas.

My thoughts on doing this are to redraw the graph with a smaller x and
y axis range for example using a button or key stroke to increment /
decrement the range

secondly i would like to change to centre point meaning it will azoom
from what ever centre point i choose .

Can you clever guys please help

Luke M

I would recommend using a combination of controls from the Forms toolbar,
formulas, and VBA

The controls will give you the itnerface you need. Controls generate a
number, which you could then manipulate via formulas to get the desired
min/max values for your scale. Then use the coding found on Jon Peltier's
site to update your charts.

Also, check out Jon's article on dynamic charting. Your other option may be
to control the amount of data being charted, and then let XL auto-scale your


THank i will give this a try , something tells me i am out of my depth ,
but i wont fail without a fight :)

Please keep posting peeps

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