Happy Thanksgiving Everyone


Dale Fye

I know many of you are not from the United States, and therefore do not
celebrate Thanksgiving as we do. But I'm sure you all have something to be
thankful for.

I know one of my many blessings is the assistance that the MVPs and the
other experienced Access users provide on this and many other forums. Thank
you all for your wonderful volunteer efforts.

May God bless each and every one of you.

Dale Fye

Dirk Goldgar

Dale Fye said:
I know many of you are not from the United States, and therefore do not
celebrate Thanksgiving as we do. But I'm sure you all have something to be
thankful for.

I know one of my many blessings is the assistance that the MVPs and the
other experienced Access users provide on this and many other forums.
Thank you all for your wonderful volunteer efforts.

May God bless each and every one of you.

Don't forget to thank yourself, Dale. Better yet, I'll thank you. And have
a happy Thanksgiving.

Chris flles

Dale Fye said:
I know many of you are not from the United States, and therefore do not
celebrate Thanksgiving as we do. But I'm sure you all have something to
be thankful for.

I know one of my many blessings is the assistance that the MVPs and the
other experienced Access users provide on this and many other forums.
Thank you all for your wonderful volunteer efforts.

May God bless each and every one of you.

Dale Fye


I'll second that. Thanks to all the folks who spend their timeless efforts
here. Let's continue another happy year.

Enjoy the thanksgiving :)

John W. Vinson

I know many of you are not from the United States, and therefore do not
celebrate Thanksgiving as we do. But I'm sure you all have something to be
thankful for.

I know one of my many blessings is the assistance that the MVPs and the
other experienced Access users provide on this and many other forums. Thank
you all for your wonderful volunteer efforts.

May God bless each and every one of you.

Dale Fye

Thank you, Dale. I'm just thankful for the cameraderie and all I've been able
to learn here on the groups!

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