Help Please!!! tracking URL's pay per click model




Our's is an free article publicizing company. We write articles for
different types of vendors(we call them clients) and these articles are
published in news papers and in our website. Web developers(we call them
partners) who look for fresh updating content or articles use our articles in
their websites. This is all about my project.

I am looking for an effective system which can track the URL where our
articles are being used in our partner websites. Right now we are using
http_referrer concept to know the partner URL where ever our content being
used. But this way we are not able to keep track of all the partner URL's.We
are providing the partners with javascript, html and XML code to use our

I greatly appreciate it if some one can help me out in this issue. If this
gets resolved we want to implement pay per click model in future.

Looking forward to hear from you

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