
Okay, I'm not sure if this can be done and I need advice.

I have two queries, one that lists all of the information with the exception
of a field ([DAC Name] in one query = [Bill To:] in the other) where the
entry is "Unassigned", works perfect. The second query only looks at the
"Unassigned". Also works perfectly.

Now, here's what I need help with. I need to merge the data from these two
One query is below:

SELECT Left([Bill To:],2) AS CO, [Unit Billing].[Bill To:], [UAD
Reports].[Unit Name], [UAD Reports].PTN, [UAD Reports].[Total Current
Charges], [Unit Billing].[#of Hours Billed], ([#of Hours Billed]/160) AS
[Billed %], ([Total Current Charges]*[Billed %]) AS [Billed to Owner], [UAD
Reports].[Account#], [UAD Reports].[Bill Cycle]
FROM [Unit Billing] INNER JOIN [UAD Reports] ON ([Unit Billing].User = [UAD
Reports].[Unit Name]) AND ([Unit Billing].PTN = [UAD Reports].PTN);

Here is the Second:

SELECT Left([DAC Name],2) AS CO, [UAD Reports].[DAC Name], [UAD
Reports].[Unit Name], [UAD Reports].PTN, [UAD Reports].[Total Current
Charges], [UAD Reports].[Bill Cycle], [UAD Reports].[Account#]
FROM [UAD Reports]
WHERE (((Left([DAC Name],2))<>"TU") AND (([UAD Reports].[DAC
ORDER BY [UAD Reports].[DAC Name];

What I'm trying to do is list each PTN, their appropriate DAC Name, and
either the "Billed to Owner" value if it exists otherwise the "Total Current
Charges" value.

Naturally my problem is that the "Unassigned" in one query and the <>
"Unassigned" in the other cancel each other out. Is there a way to do this?

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