how can I insert a webcam into my site?



Do you know if it's possible to insert a live webcam, or even a slow-scan
update of one, using front page? Do I need a special hosting package?

David Berry

WebCams are composed of two pieces:

1) A program to continuously FTP the captured image to your web site.

2) A way of causing the image on your web page to refresh when the
image is updated.

To refresh the image you could use a META REFRESH tag. To do that you insert
the following code into your HTML in Code View.

This line must be put between <head> and </head>

Also, you need <IMG SRC="mypic.jpg">
where mypic is the name of the file that you continuously upload.

As far as using it in FP just create a subweb (not to be opened in FP) that
you can FTP connect to w/ your webcam (or video cam)

You also might want to look at webcam feed assist software like at

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