How do I get inbox changed back to newest message at top



My inbox changed yesterday from showing the latest message first to showing
it last. In trying to get back I did something wrong. My inbox now shows a
calendar with small envelopes for each message. I want to change back to
where the inbox shows a list of messages by title and author from newest to
oldest. I am using XP2000.
I would appreciate your help. Nancy ([email protected])

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

look on the view menu - Current View, Define view. Select the <<current
view>> and choose reset.

** Please include your Outlook version, Account type, and Windows Version
when requesting assistance **


Thank you - it helped but it is still in calendar mode rather than as a list
- at least it now shows the subject of each e-mail. I'm also getting a small
notice of "Starting Microsoft Word as your e-mail editor" that I never had
before, and it doesn't do anything - I have to control/alt/delete to get to
do anything else. I can't forward. Should I start another question(s)? I
do appreciate your help. Nancy

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

Show the advanced toolbar and see what view is the current view - if not
messages, select message view - if messages reset it by choosing it by name
in the define views dialog and clicking reset.

try using detect and repair to fix the word problem, although you might just
need a restart of outlook or a reboot.

** Please include your Outlook version, Account type, and Windows Version
when requesting assistance **


Thank you!!!!!!!!!!! (I'll worry about the petty details tomorrow - really
appreciate your help.

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