How Do I link Forms and access them through a Command Button?

  • Thread starter skyrise via
  • Start date

skyrise via

Have I screwed up?

I have 3 forms that are related to each other – Forms 2 and 3 contain subset
information about the subject started on Form 1.

I’m getting stuck on how to link the forms together and add a button on Form
1 that will open Form 2, and a button on Form 2 that will open Form 3. The
other option is to have each Form appear a tab that can be clicked by the

Right now, I have built each individual form (with it’s subforms). I have
the Primary Key field from Form 1 on Forms 2 and 3. I can’t though, get the
record number from Form 1 to auto populate on the other forms to show that
all the data is related.

Is there a way to fix this and add the command buttons or tabs, or will it be
better for me to take a different approach and start from scratch?

What am I missing?

skyrise via

I would say that I'm trying to set up a sub form scenario. The information
for one subject is being broken out into three sections (the 3 forms). Each
section contains its own list of data (fields on the forms).

For example. If the database is for Car Accidents.
Table/Form1 = Identification info
Table/Form2 = Cause info
Table/Form 3 = Effect info

All 3 forms contain information that pertains to 1 car accident. Each
subsequent car accident record would then have its data split onto the 3

I'm used to subforms appearing imbedded on the Parent form. I would like
Forms 2 & 3 to appear a full screen page (like Form 1) when they are being

I'm assuming that an Open Form Command Button or a Tab Page setup is the best
way to try to get there?


Open Form1 in design view and select the first subform control (the box that
holds Subform2). Open properties and go to the data tab. Set the Linkmaster
amd linkchild properties to the primary and foreign keys that link Form1 and
Form2. Select the second subform control (the box that holds Subform3). Open
properties and go to the data tab. Set the Linkmaster amd linkchild
properties to the primary and foreign keys that link Form1 and Form3.

(e-mail address removed)

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