How do I link graphics and tables?



I need to insert many charts and graphics into my dissertation, which is also
overloaded with footnotes. In order to avoid overloading the doc,
Suzanne S. Barnhill once advised me to:

3. Link graphics as much as possible and don't display them except when
absolutely necessary. On the View tab of Tools | Options, check the box for
"Picture placeholders" and clear the box for "Drawings." This will suppress
the display of all graphics.

Can I do the same with charts and tables?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Charts *are* graphics (that is, if you're talking about the charts created
using Microsoft Graph) and will be governed by the View Options settings.
Tables do add complexity to the document, but they usually don't cause a
problem unless they get very long. Especially to be avoided are long
single-row tables.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

There's no way to link tables. And I don't think you can link charts,
either, unless they're created in Excel.


OK, then how do I link the graphics?
The charts were created in Excel, then imported into a separate Word
document. Can I link them from either source?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

I'm not really sure about this. You can paste them from Excel using Paste
Link, but I'm not sure whether that's a pure link or a link+embed technique.
If you bookmark them in the other Word document, you can certainly use an
IncludeText field to link to them there. In fact, you should be able to link
to them in Excel using IncludeText (in this case, a named range functions as
a bookmark).


And how do I link the graphics?

Suzanne S. Barnhill said:
I'm not really sure about this. You can paste them from Excel using Paste
Link, but I'm not sure whether that's a pure link or a link+embed technique.
If you bookmark them in the other Word document, you can certainly use an
IncludeText field to link to them there. In fact, you should be able to link
to them in Excel using IncludeText (in this case, a named range functions as
a bookmark).

Suzanne S. Barnhill

When you insert them, in the Insert | Picture | From File dialog, click the
arrow beside Insert and choose Link to File. For drawings created within
Word there is no linking method except again, possibly, the IncludeText
field. But it's possible to get too carried away with linking. Keep in mind
that linking makes the file less portable.

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