How do I print double sided landscape pages with correct orientati



My document is printed double sided (duplex) and contains a section of pages
in portrait and a section of pages designed and printed in landscape. After I
have stapled it, it is easy to read the pages that have been printed in
protrait orientation.

If I turn the document 90 degrees to the right in order to read the
landscape pages, then the first page is the correct orientation. However,
when I look on the back, the footer is at the top of the page and of course
the text is upside down.

How can I print the document so that the reading of the landscape pages
'flows' i.e I don't have to keep changing the orientation of the paper in my

Suzanne S. Barnhill

This is a problem with a document that combines portrait and landscape
pages. In the duplex settings for your printer, you should be able to choose
whether the pages are flipped on the long edge or the short edge. Whichever
you choose is going to make some of the pages incorrect.


Thank you for your reply. We use a relatively modern Ricoh photopcopier here
at work but I cannot find any settings to do as you suggest. Nevermind, but I
least I have learnt something.

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