How do I repair my system configuration w/no offline resorses



My windows XP home OS, was changed a few months ago to XP pro w/o my noing of
the changes or were the software came from. The only software I now have is
the original disc that came w/ the machine. This disc matches key code on
hardware but the Licensing disc is labled Office XP (media Content). I have
no offline resorces to turn to. What are my options?

'69 Camaro

My windows XP home OS, was changed a few months ago to XP pro w/o my noing
the changes or were the software came from.

It's usually loaded from a CD or DVD. Is it possible someone else loaded it
for you in your absence?
What are my options?

1.) Keep what you have. (The pro version is much better security-wise and

2.) Go back to your last restore point before the upgrade.

3.) Restore from backup.

4.) If you can't tell the difference yourself, pay a technician to look at
your disc and tell you whether it's really Windows XP Home or Microsoft
Office XP. If it's Windows XP Home, re-install it. If it's not, look again
at the previous options listed or contact Microsoft Customer Support. If
it's OEM, they'll charge you for support. If you paid the retail price for
it, they don't charge for the first tech support incident.

By the way, this newsgroup is for Microsoft Access database questions. If
you have questions about your computer's operating system, it would be
better to post your questions in newsgroups dedicated to the topic you're
inquiring about.


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