How do I turn off auto cell formating?



I use Office 2007 to keep track of my home finances. I list my monthly bills
in a spreadsheet. As I pay them I shade in the cell to tell me that the
payment has been made. The next month I will enter a bill from the same
company. I really like it when the auto text finish kicks in. How do I keep
it from auto shading that cell? Earlier versions of Exel allowed me to turn
that feature off.

Bernard Liengme

I cannot reproduce this problem. In A1:A3 I typed: dog, cat, bear and then
shaded A2 yellow. In A4 I typed a "c" and Excel autocompleted this to give
"cat" but without shading.

May I be bold enough to suggest and alternative: Insert a new column A and
when you have paid this bill type an X in the A cell. This will let you do
more things.

1) you can now use Conditional Formatting to colour the paid bill; you type
X and the row or a cell gets coloured automatically - I will give details
if you wish
2) you can easily add the unpaid bills: suppose column A has the X, B the
company name and C the amount of the bill. Then =SUMIF(A:A, "<>X",C:C) will
tell you the sum of unpaid bills.

best wishes


Thanks for the help. I use the X in my checkbook to indicate canceled
checks. I started a new speadsheet and did the dog, cat and bear and had no
problem. I'll keep working on it. Thanks again.


I am having the same problem. Unfortunately, my spreadsheet is too big to
recreate. Was anyone able to solve this problem?

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