How to Automatically Mark a Milestone Complete if All Predecessors are Complete


Joe Baker


If I have a milestone, and it has one or more predecessors, how can I mark
the milestone complete when all its predecessors are complete?

It seems like a very simple thing to do, or at least something which must
have already been thought about in the past. I've searched high and low for
an answer.

Thank you!

Jan De Messemaeker

You need a VBA procedure to do so:
Select the milestone
then run followinhg macro:

Sub Mst100()
dim Job as Task
Dim Mst as task
set mst=activeselection.tasks(1)
for each job in mst.predecessortasks
if not job.percentcomplete=100 then
exit for
end if
next job
end sub

Hope this helps,

Joe Baker

Thank you for the quick reply. I will try it as soon as possible.

One last question, please. I am surprised that this is not standard
behavior in MS Project. It seems to me that a milestone should
automatically be marked complete if all its predecessors are 100% complete.
Yet MS Project does not handle this?



A summary task with all of its subtasks marked complete is marked complete.
They serve to summarize the status of all tasks they represent. Milestones
do not intrinsically serve as a marker of all that goes before them, thus
this behavior is not built-in, and if it were, people would be unhappy about
it :)


Jan said:
You need a VBA procedure to do so:
Select the milestone
then run followinhg macro:

Sub Mst100()
dim Job as Task
Dim Mst as task
set mst=activeselection.tasks(1)
for each job in mst.predecessortasks
if not job.percentcomplete=100 then
exit for
end if
next job
end sub

Hope this helps,
Jan, does this macro use just immediate predecessors to determine
milestone status, or all predecessors? (Been a long time since I wrote
and Project VBA)

Jan De Messemaeker

Hi Dave,

Just immediate predecessors. I had the feeling this was his question.
These immediate predecessors cannot (should not) be 100% finished if their
predecessors aren't :))

Joe Baker

Hi Everyone,

Thank you very much for the assistance. Let me provide a little background
information which might help [I should have done this sooner. :)].

I'm tracking over 100 project schedules for other people. I check items
like compliance with processes, baselines, % Complete, etc. Many times, I
have project schedules which end up with an overall % Complete of 98%
because the project managers mark all tasks 100% complete except for
milestone tasks. Don't ask me why, it's some bizarre human behavior I have
encountered. Any, until I can properly educate these people, I am stuck
with this huge data quality problem...where many projects are in reality
finished, but the project schedules say they are not finished simply because
of these incomplete milestones.

So, I need a macro to quickly search through all project schedule tasks. If
the task is a milestone, then check all of its predecessors to see if they
are 100% complete. If yes, then mark that milestone 100% complete.

I realize that simply because the predecessors of a milestone are 100%
complete does not necessarily mean that the actual milestone is 100%
complete...since the milestone date could be far in the future whereas its
predecessors might be months behind it. I figure this macro is a great
first step.

Many thanks to all!

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