How to check for Outlook Address BookCheckNames functionality in Browser application?



Hello All,

I'm able to pull the local machine outlook address book when use
clicks on HTML button in browser. But, when user enters a partial nam
and clicks on button it should display all the names containing give
textbox value from the outlook address book. Similar to how we will d
when we enter partial name in outlook (i.e check names functionality).

Is this possible in browser based applications? This functionality ca
be obtained in visual basic through CDO or Redemption.

We are able to get this functionality in VB6.0. Can we able to get thi
functionality in browser applications

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

You can use Redemption from scripting languages used in Web pages. I do that
all the time using VBScript code. It could also be done using jscript or
whatever you're using. I'd probably implement what you are asking for
similarly to the address book lookahead example shown on the Redemption Web


I'm able to display local machine outlook address book throug
"MsSvAbw.AddrBookWrapper" component. Not from the CDO or Redemptio
objects. I got this component from the webservice portal sites. If
use CDO or Redemption i need to make the changes in client Browse
security properties which is not possible as it is using browse
application. So can you please give me can we get this address boo
check names functionality through "MsSvAbw.AddrBookWrapper" component?

I cannot use other two(CDO & Redemption) objects? Please help me.

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Not possible. That component is used only for name selection, not name resolution. It does not provide the same functionality as CDO's Session.AddressBook method and its counterpart in Redemption.


By using "MsSvAbw.AddrBookWrapper" component in browser application, i
we have Office 2003 & LIS files it is working properly. But, if w
don't have any supported files and when we click on HTML button to ope
the local outlook book it starts installing the required files from th
installtion path.

Here i need one clarification. If user doesn't know from where shoul
he install the path & clicks "Cancel" button then we are unable to ope
the local outlook address book. So, before opening the installtio
shield can we found whether this component exists in local machine. I
not exists then give them a meesage that you don't have supportin
files to open the outlook wizard.

Can we restrict such type functionality when user clicks on HTML butto
to open OAB

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