How to convert "normal" text to floating left and right justified text?


Pablo Suarez

When I write some text in Word2003 and hit RETURN then the next text starts in a new line.
Assume now I have 30 lines of text which contains multiple CRs.

When I mark now this paragraph and click on block text (=text is on left and right side margin aligned)
the the text stays as it is because of the embedded CRs. How can I tell Word 2003 to remove all
embedded CRs and reformat the paragraph with left+right alignment?



Pablo said:
When I write some text in Word2003 and hit RETURN then the next text starts in a new line.
Assume now I have 30 lines of text which contains multiple CRs.

When I mark now this paragraph and click on block text (=text is on left and right side margin aligned)
the the text stays as it is because of the embedded CRs. How can I tell Word 2003 to remove all
embedded CRs and reformat the paragraph with left+right alignment?

You don't. Stop word processing the data yourself. Word *is* the
word processor. Just type endless sentences until you get to the end of
a paragraph and then hit enter. <Enter> is the paragraph key in a word
processor. The word processor itself does the wordwrap based on
margins. When it gets to the end of a line it will start a new line
for you without CR's.

Like the above paragraph. Your email reader and mine should wordwrap
when it needs to.

Mark L. Ferguson

When you set Word to display paragraph marks (tools, options, view tab, see
checkbox), and you will see the paragraph mark. "¶"
Copy it, and do a find and replace with nothing.

You seem to be using word like an old 'typewriter'. You should consider the
use of a manual line break.
Click where you want to break a line of text.

Jean-Guy Marcil

Pablo Suarez said:
When I write some text in Word2003 and hit RETURN then the next text starts in a new line.
Assume now I have 30 lines of text which contains multiple CRs.

When I mark now this paragraph and click on block text (=text is on left and right

In Word terms, if you have more than one CR (¶) selected, then you have more
than one paragraph selected, even if each one is only one line long... In
fact a single ¶ on a line is a paragraph as far as Word is concerned.

side margin aligned)
the the text stays as it is because of the embedded CRs. How can I tell Word 2003 to remove all
embedded CRs and reformat the paragraph with left+right alignment?

Why are you hitting Enter at the end of each line? Let Word wrap the text

Now, the easiest would be to use the Find/Replace feature. Select the text
that contains the unwanted ¶. In the Find field type "^p" (no quotes), type
nothing in the Replace field. Click on "Replace All". When Word asks if you
want to continue replacing in the rest of the document say No.


Pablo said:
When I write some text in Word2003 and hit RETURN then the next text starts in a new line.
Assume now I have 30 lines of text which contains multiple CRs.

When I mark now this paragraph and click on block text (=text is on left and right side margin aligned)
the the text stays as it is because of the embedded CRs. How can I tell Word 2003 to remove all
embedded CRs and reformat the paragraph with left+right alignment?


Don't word process. Word is a word processor itself. Just type
sentences till you get to the end of a paragraph and then hit <ENTER>.
Word will wordwrap based on your margin settings. To word, <ENTER>
is the paragraph key.

nesredep egrob

When I write some text in Word2003 and hit RETURN then the next text starts in a new line.
Assume now I have 30 lines of text which contains multiple CRs.

When I mark now this paragraph and click on block text (=text is on left and right side margin aligned)
the the text stays as it is because of the embedded CRs. How can I tell Word 2003 to remove all
embedded CRs and reformat the paragraph with left+right alignment?


I gave it a try - did not write anything sensible, just hit a key and held it
for half a line, I then gave a couple of Enters and did another line and so on.
All lines naturally started on the left as expected. When I then selected all
the lines and hit the key for centering the line - all lines that were selected
sprung nicely into the middle.
Give it a try - it does work.

B|rge in sunny Perth, Australia


Wouldn't it be better to put a space in the Replace With field? Otherwise
the text that precedes & follows each ¶ will be joined as a single string.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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