How to get Enterprise Project Text field changes to show in PWA



Does anyone know how to get changes to Enterprise Project Text fields to show
up in PWA without having to re-publish every project?

We're still new at implementing Project Server 2003 so we're constantly
changing or experimenting with different Enterprise Project Text codes. We do
have several hundred projects in our database so even a minor change turns
into a major effort to implement because it seems that I have to open every
project and republish it to make the changes show up in PWA. Does anyone
know a short-cut? Database tweek?

I've tried using the View Populator tool to mass re-publish the projects but
it doesn't seem to do a complete job. It says it is publishing the projects
successfully and the "last published" dates do change. But any changes to the
Enterprise Project Text codes still do not show up until I open each project
and publish them within Project Pro.

Thanks for your help -- trj

Marc Soester

Hi trj,

Hi Wes,

I believe that Microsoft has a tool that does this for you. Please visit the
following Web Site

This is the view Populartor Tool. The View Populator tool allows you to
publish projects without using Project Professional. I believe that can do
the job for you. I believe that you dont have to manually republish your
projects anymore when using this tool
Hope this helps

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]

Is it safe to assume that you're changing the values externally to Project?
How? You might be better served posting this in the developer group if this
is what you're doing.


I'm using PWA to change the values. I select the row for the project in
Project Center, then click the Edit button. You may be thinking "how can I
edit a Custom Project Text field" in PWA? That may just be the question I
really should be asking.

Here's more of the problem I'm trying to solve... I want to be able to use
PWA to edit the custom Enterprise Project Text fields that we're using to
select vaious "flags" that show up in the Project Center views using the
graphic indicators like the red light/green light. PWA will only let me edit
free-form text fields though. So, I've created a Enterprie Custom Outline
code for the the flags. PWA allows me to select the values for the Enterprise
Custom Outline Codes just fine. I created my Enterprise Project Text field to
use a function to lookup the value of the Enterprise Outline Code I selected
in PWA. My issue is that changing the value for the Outline Code using PWA
doesn't cause the funtion for the Project Text field to recalculate until I
open Project Pro and re-publish the plan. I've tried to use the View
Populator to republish the plans, but it doesn't work - at least it doesn't
cause the Project Text field to re-calculate.

Thanks -- trj

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


Well, it seems as though you've answered all your own questions as the
behavior you're describing is exactly how the whole thing works.

You can't edit text fields with value lists in PWA
You can't cause calculated fields to calculate without opening the project
or firing off a background application that opens the project.

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