How to properly backup Onenote to external drives?



Question: What is the best way to backup Onenote07 on a x64 Vista to an
external HD/ disc? How to?

I have some audio files that are embeded within Onenote07. I can't install
Onenote07 on another computer to test and see if My notebooks have been
properly saved.

I do not see the audio file in my Onenote folder, rather it is stored in a
Onenote backup folder. Should I backup from my Onenote folder and or the
Onenote backup folder instead? I hope I make sense.

Would appreciate a step by step.

Thanks in advance,
Eric H.

Ilya Koulchin

wordy said:
Question: What is the best way to backup Onenote07 on a x64 Vista to an
external HD/ disc? How to?

Hover over each notebook on the left side pane - the tooltip will tell
you where each of the notebooks is stored. Copying the entire folder
shown in the tooltip will give you a backup of each of the notebooks.
I have some audio files that are embeded within Onenote07. I can't install
Onenote07 on another computer to test and see if My notebooks have been
properly saved.

Make a copy of each notebook as described above. Then open the copy with
OneNote and see if the data is all there.
I do not see the audio file in my Onenote folder, rather it is stored in a
Onenote backup folder. Should I backup from my Onenote folder and or the
Onenote backup folder instead? I hope I make sense.

The audio files are stored within the OneNote files, so just backing up
the notebooks is sufficient. You can also back up the backups if you
want to...


[> Make a copy of each notebook as described above. Then open the copy with
OneNote and see if the data is all there.

Well, Onenote auto backups everything so testing it on the same computer
wouldn't tell me if it really worked.

I was thinking there was a feature or button that allows users to backup
their notebooks onto external drives.

Does anyone know?

Maybe there is a sync function?

Rainald Taesler

Well, Onenote auto backups everything so testing it on the same
computer wouldn't tell me if it really worked.

I was thinking there was a feature or button that allows users to
backup their notebooks onto external drives.

If it's just for testing:
Just change the path for the backups im Tools | Options | Save

You ca specify a metwork drive too (instead of a external disk).


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