I need help with a Function


XL 411

Here is what I got:

F24 = 64
F25 = 12

on cell F26 I got the function =MROUND(F24, F25) which gives me 60.
Basically the formula is rounding 64 to the nearest multiple of 12, which
it"s 60. But what I want is for a formula to roundup to the nearest multiple
of 12. In other words I want the outcome to be 72. Can anybody out there help
me with this issue. If you have an answer please send me an e-mail to
(e-mail address removed). Thank you for the time

David Biddulph

=CEILING(F24, F25)

Note: if you ask a question in a newsgroup, you get an answer not by email
but in the newsgroup, so that the answer can hopefully be of benefit to
others (and so that other folk can correct an answer if it's wrong!).

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

Assuming you do not want to round up F24's value if it is already an exact
multiple of the value in F25...

=IF(MOD(F24,F25)=0,F24,MROUND(F24+F25, F25))


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