I need to go back to school! Help w/ formula please..



I promise to register for an Excel class next semester! For now I need a
quick fix pretty please? There has to be an easier way besides typing the
same formula row after row after row.. Here's what I am trying to do...

1 1-3-2006 7

This works fine giving me the date of 1-10-2006 in cell A2. What I cant get
is how can I take the answer (value?) to my formula given to me in cell A2
and continue down the row. It would look something like this...

1 1-3-2006 7
2 1-10-2006
3 1-17-2006
4 1-24-2006
5 1-31-2006

In other words I would like to make a list of dates a week apart starting
with 1-3-2006 and continue down the column. I'm sure I've made this more
complicated in my head than it needs to be. Maybe I've been staring at it too
long! =-)

Comments encouraged..


Gord Dibben


First, you could do away with the 7 in B1 and just use =A1+7 in A2

With the formula in A2, select A2 and hover the cursor over the black square at
right-hand bottom corner of the cell.

When you see a black cross, left-click and drag down column A to copy the

The cell references will increment as you drag down.

If you wish to use the 7 and refer to B1 you must enter in A2


The $ signs lock B1 as the cell with the value.

A1 will change to A2 and A3 and A4 as you drag/copy down.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


I just got home and tried your suggestions and TAADAAA! It was that easy all
along. Thanks bpeltzer, RHinNC and Gord Dibben. You peeps saved my day.

Most appreciated,

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