If formula based on digits?


Hamed parhizkar

Is there anyway to pull out certain digits based on rounding?

In A1...143.265 So my if would be =if(A1<>0,A1,"")

However I only want the 2 digits after the decimal to pull. I know I can do
a middle, or right formula but how would this work if I had several rows some
with 1.199 and others with 145.258?

Please help

Sandy Mann

Do you want them as whole numbers like 19 and 25 or as rounded numbers like
20 & 26 or even as decimale like 0.19 & 0.25 or rounded like 0.2 & 0.26?

For whole unrounded numbers use:


For rounded whole numbers use:


For unrounded decimals use:


For rounded decimal numbers use:



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Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

The two digits you want "pulled"... do you want them as Text or as Numbers.
I ask because there is a question of what to give you for something like
123.02 and 123.20, or 12.00, if you want them to be numbers after they are


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