Images in UserForm?


Charlotte E.

How do you copy one image in a UserForm into another???

I've tried:

Image1.Picture = Image2.Picture

...but with no luck :-(

Anyway to make Excel copy one image to another?


Peter T

You could prefix that code with "Set " but it should work fine without it.
At least it should in all versions '97 - 2003, would be surprised if 2007 is
different but can't confirm.

Peter T

Charlotte E.

Well, I'm using Excel 2003 (and will continue to do so, until Miscrosoft
leave it up to us users, if we want to use the good old menus, or the
%#¤¤%##% ribbons!).

Anyway, using Set did the trick :)

Thanks ...

Peter T


Glad it worked but not sure why it didn't work just as well without Set
(though I always do use Set)

Peter T

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