Inactive Resource Issue???



Dale and Gary,

1. We've been running MSP2003 PRO and PROJECT SERVER 2003 in a production
environment for a little more than 14 months. The Project Server and Client
are at SP1 since the SP1 release. We have some projects with External
Dependecies on the Server only, no CROSS REFERENCES to MPPs as far as we know
unless the PM has saved a backup MPP on their desktop...etc.

2. We build every project using the ERP, MSP2003-->TOOLS-->BUILD TEAM FROM
ENTERPRISE RESOURCE, from here forward referred to as 'BTFER'. We manaully
verify each week that projects DO NOT contain LOCAL or INACTIVE RESOURCES.

3. RECENTLY, we've experienced a strange anomely with resources when
leveling a set of new projects with External Dependencies. During the
leveling process a handful of select ERP resources in the project change from
ACTIVE resources to INACTIVE resources as indicated in the INFORMATION column
in the RESOURCE view or RESOURCE USAGE view. We can resolve this for all
resources, but 1, by going back into TOOLS-->BTFER. Strangely enough the
Resources name is now selectable in the left side of BTFER window. I select
the replace button and the INACTIVE resource in the right pane of the BTFER
is repalced with the ACTIVE resource from the ERP. This works on everyone
except 1 resource. Who is listed as INACTIVE in the plan, yet the name is
grayed (unselectable) in the left pane of the BTFER window. I've removed the
INACTIVE resource from the plan YET the resources name is still grayed
(unselectable) in the left pane of hte BTFER window. When reviewing the
resources status in PWA or the ERP through project the resources are listed
as ACTIVE. This has occurred in the same plan 3 different times.
- Why are the resources changing to INACTIVE and LOCAL during leveling?
- Very, Very, strange behavior which we have not experienced before!!!
- Obviously, once Actuals have been applied to these new projects this
becomes a larger issue as the replace resource option in BTFER window will
not address the issue then.
- Any help anyone can provide is greatly appreciated!

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


You're certainly describing some bizarre behavior. Could the plan you're
working with be corrupt? There's an FAQ on our ProjectServerExperts site
that explains how to force a rebuild of the binary record of the project,
which may or may not prove to be therapeutic for you.

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