IncludeText and Bookmarks


Joy Raman


I am trying to include part of a document into a main
document. I have stayed away from Master Sub based on some
good advice. Includetext works very well. I was trying to
go one step furthur and include only part of a subdocument
using bookmarks in the subdoc. Acc to this help text that
i have pasted below, I should be able to do
that, "Summary" being a book mark in the sub doc.
Unfortunately it does not seem to work. Any ideas? Im open
to other ways of getting the same results.

This field inserts the portion of the file referred to by
the Summary bookmark:

{ INCLUDETEXT "C:\\Winword\\Port Development RFP" Summary }

Jon Weaver

Re -- { INCLUDETEXT "C:\\Winword\\Port Development RFP" Summary }
1. You might try add .doc to the name of the document, which I assume is
Port Development RFP.doc so the field would read:
{ INCLUDETEXT "C:\\Winword\\Port Development RFP.doc" Summary }
2. If this doesn't work or is an incorrect assumption, make sure that the
bookmark "Summary" includes the entire passage; if you just place the
insertion point in the text and name the bookmark, you will not get the
entire passage when you reference it in the INCLUDETEXT field; click Options
on the Tools menu, click View, check the Bookmarks check box and click OK;
you should see a bold square left bracket at the beginning of the passage
*and* a bold square right bracket at the end of the passage; if you don't,
select the passage and reenter the bookmark name, being careful to click
3. Press CTRL+a and F9 to recalculate all the fields in the document.


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