Incorrect Product Key for Office?



I bought an HP laptop from a retailer and upon opening Microsoft Office it
asked me to validate my product key. I looked on the backside of my laptop
and found the sticker which displays the product key but when I entered the
key it said I entered an incorrect key.

Any suggestions? This has been irritating me for a long time.


If you were to read the sticker you will see its the key for Windows
Ask HP where they put the Office key, or read the documentation supplied
with the PC
PS You have made your recovery dvd's havent you?


Akira said:
I bought an HP laptop from a retailer and upon opening Microsoft Office it
asked me to validate my product key. I looked on the backside of my
and found the sticker which displays the product key but when I entered
key it said I entered an incorrect key.

Any suggestions? This has been irritating me for a long time.

In addition to DL's response, the product key that Dell provides will
activate the trial version of Office they preinstalled on the computer. It
will stop working after X number of days. This is, of course, unless you
paid Dell for an OEM version of the software and in that case the software
will forever be tied to that computer.

If you purchase a copy of Office with the installation DVD, make sure you
uninstall the trial and any activation wizard before installing the
purchased version.


This is helpful because I suspect I may make the same mistake with a Samsung
computer. I bought a new computer because I could not wipe out old Office
2003 and newer trial 2007 from my existing computer. I could sort it out but
not in the time that is available. Are there helpful IT people who can
advise, or is this a bit of a racket? I hope not.


"JLS" said:
This is helpful because I suspect I may make the same mistake with a
computer. I bought a new computer because I could not wipe out old Office
2003 and newer trial 2007 from my existing computer. I could sort it out
not in the time that is available. Are there helpful IT people who can
advise, or is this a bit of a racket? I hope not.

Simple rules to install Office by:

Always uninstall a trial version and any activation wizard before installing
any retail version of software.

Always install and update the older suite of programs first if installing
more than one version of Office.

Always uninstall in the reverse order (newer to older) if there are more
than one version of Office on the computer.

See and the related articles
that show on that site.

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