index match



ROW 5 1 65 6 56
ROW 6 2 100 7 41
ROW 7 3 34 8 32
ROW 8 4 6 9 43
ROW 9 5 8 10 5

I have 4 columns as above in one sheet, I want to match the numbers 1 to 10
and return the values in the column matching the number in another sheet as
below. Please note, the above format changes on a daily basis as it comes
from a web query e.g tomorrow there might only be 8 numbers, in which case 5
in A9 will move to C5 and A9 and C 9 will then be blank.

ROW 5 1 65
2 100
3 34
4 6
5 8
6 56
7 41
8 32
9 43
Row14 10 5

The formula should be in B5 through B14 , is this possible? Thanks. Anthon.

Bernie Deitrick

10 formulas, wherever you want them:


You could do it with one formula, but it would be more complex and harder to

MS Excel MVP


Anthon said:
ROW 5 1 65 6 56
ROW 6 2 100 7 41
ROW 7 3 34 8 32
ROW 8 4 6 9 43
ROW 9 5 8 10 5

I have 4 columns as above in one sheet, I want to match the numbers 1 to 10
and return the values in the column matching the number in another sheet as
below. Please note, the above format changes on a daily basis as it comes
from a web query e.g tomorrow there might only be 8 numbers, in which case 5
in A9 will move to C5 and A9 and C 9 will then be blank.

ROW 5 1 65
2 100
3 34
4 6
5 8
6 56
7 41
8 32
9 43
Row14 10 5

The formula should be in B5 through B14 , is this possible? Thanks. Anthon.

So are you just trying to look up the value in column B of the first
table and place it in the second table based on matching values in
columns A? (What is the significance of columns C & D in table 1?)

in table2!B5,
= VLOOKUP (A5, table1!$A:$A, 2, false)
fill down.

or, since you say values might be missing the the first table,

= If (ISNA(VLOOKUP (A5, table1!$A:$A, 2, false), "", VLOOKUP (A5,
table1!$A:$A, 2, false))


Since you say that the configuration can change on a daily basis, I would
think that the simplest approach would be to treat each pair of columns as a
separate datalist, and poll them individually.
There would be no harm in oversizing them to the possible maximum size,
which I believe from your example is two 5 X 2 arrays.
It shouldn't matter if the next day it's two 4 X 2 arrays.

With data imported into Sheet1, and your lookup list on Sheet2, as you
Enter this formula in B5 of Sheet2:


Copy down to B14.

Teethless mama


copy down

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