Insert into Data into Repeating Section via Code Behind - Please



Hi All,

I'm having a problem getting my data to appear when I add an entry to
the repeating section using code behind. If anyone could help I would be
eternally greatful!

I have a section that looks like this

<my:DueDate xsi:nil="true"></my:DueDate>

I can programatically add as many "my:action" entries as I want. The
problem is that although when I do this, the controls appear in the
document, they don't contain the *values* that I've given the
corresponding elements. So for example if I were to successfully add an
<my:ActionName>Arrange meeting with local authority</my:ActionName>
element, a text box would appear for the ActionName element but it won't
display the text "Arrange meeting with local authority". The document
*definately* has that data in it because when I save the doc and look at
the XML directly the saved file has the elements AND the values.

Can anyone tell me what I need to do to get the data to display?

I'm hoping there's a refresh method or something that I need to call,
but I don't understand why the UI structure would automatically update
but not display the actual data in the elements!

Any help would be very much appreciated
Best Regards


PS: I've attached the pertinent code where I add the action below:


actionsNode = document.DOM.selectSingleNode("//my:Actions");

# region [-- Build a New Action Node --]

// Initialise the action node and attach all related data as single
elements underneath
actionNode = document.DOM.createNode(1, "my:Action",

// Create and attach the "ActionName" node
childNode = document.DOM.createNode(1, "my:ActionName",
childNode.nodeTypedValue = name;


// Create and attach the "Description" node
childNode = document.DOM.createNode(1, "my:Description",
childNode.text = description;


// Create and attach the "PersonResponsible" node
childNode = document.DOM.createNode(1, "my:personResponsible",
childNode.text = personResponsible;


// Create and attach the "DueDate" node
childNode = document.DOM.createNode(1, "my:DueDate",
childNode.text = dueDate.Date.ToString();


# endregion

// Attach the new node to the 'actions' node


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