insert new cell in specific table, then populate with text?



I'd like to insert a new cell in a specific table, and then populate
the cell with autotext so that it inserts an image.

I've been trying to figure this out looking at VB code, but am too

I want the macro to say something like, For tables with style r-note in
row (1,1), insert a new cell before 1,1 and then populate the new cell
with the text "noteicon".

My attempt to code this was something like this:

Sub FormatNotes()

Dim oTbl As Table
For Each oTbl In ActiveDocument.Tables
If oTbl.Cell(1, 1).Range.Style = _
ActiveDocument.Styles("R-note") Then
With oTbl

Selection.InsertCells ShiftCells:=wdInsertCellsShiftRight
For Each aBorder In Selection.Borders

[got confused here -- no idea how to populate a specific cell]

End With
End If
End Sub

Can someone help me make this work?

Also, if I want to define the color of the cell borders in a table,
what's the property for that?



I thought of a method that might be easier. All I'm trying to do is set
up a one-row table with two columns. In the left column, I want there
to be a note icon. In the right column, I want there to be note text.

In my Word document, I'll have the following, tagged with a r-note

noteicon $ Note: This is sample text and so on.

Here's what I want the macro to do:

1. Find each instance of text with the r-note style.
2. Convert this text into a 2-column table using $ as the separator.
3. Make the left column 1 inch long, the right column 5 inches long.
4. Indent the table 1 inch.
5. Remove the cell borders.
6. Replace all instances of the text noteicon with a specific image

I would really appreciate anyone's help. This is the last macro I need
to complete my RoboHelp output conversion process.


I found a different way of getting around this problem. I applied used
a style switch using a table style in Word and it worked great. Here's
the code:

Sub ConvertNotesFlush()

Dim oTbl As Table
For Each oTbl In ActiveDocument.Tables
If oTbl.Cell(1, 1).Range.Style = _
ActiveDocument.Styles("R-notetable-flush") Then
With oTbl

.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("notetable-flush")

End With
End If
Next oTbl
End Sub

"R-notetable-flush" is the style in RoboHelp and "notetable-flush" is
the table style.

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