Integration with Visual SourceSafe 6.0



I downloaded the Plug-in for Access 2003 to integrate Visual SourceSafe 6.0.
Access 2003 SP1 and SourceSafe SP6 and Visual Studio 2003 SP6 were applied
too. On Access 2003, I successfully executed "Tools" -> "SourceSafe" -> "Add
Database to SourceSafe", but when I executed "Tools" -> "SourceSafe" ->
"Create Database from SourceSafe Project", the errow showed "Failed to import
file ...". What happened was local *.scc folder was created and all files
such as *.ACF, *.ACR, etc were also created normally, but it seemed that some
of those files could not be imported into locas MDB files. This never happend
if the original MDB is in Access 2000 format, but happens for Access 2003
format. Anybody knows why?

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