link excel to word document



i want to link an excel worksheet to a word document. the spreadsheet has
multiple tabs. i have name the range that i want to link. copied it and
then went into word - clicked Edit / Paste Special / Paste link / Microsoft
office worksheet object. i get a message that ways "Wod cannot obtain the
data for the excel.sheet.8link" if i don't name the range, the link works
fine. however, if i add lines to the excel spreadsheet it doesn't update in
word. the link shows the range as an R1C1 notation which means that if the
range was A1:eek:10 and i added lines to the spreadsheet, i would only get the
A1:O10 range when i updated the link.

thanks for your help in advance

Cindy M.

Hi April,
i want to link an excel worksheet to a word document. the spreadsheet has
multiple tabs. i have name the range that i want to link. copied it and
then went into word - clicked Edit / Paste Special / Paste link / Microsoft
office worksheet object. i get a message that ways "Wod cannot obtain the
data for the excel.sheet.8link" if i don't name the range, the link works
fine. however, if i add lines to the excel spreadsheet it doesn't update in
word. the link shows the range as an R1C1 notation which means that if the
range was A1:eek:10 and i added lines to the spreadsheet, i would only get the
A1:O10 range when i updated the link.
Which version of Word?

In most versions, if the pasted workbook object is "inline with text" (no text
wrap formatting has been applied) you can access the link information through
the field code. Press Alt+F9 and you should see something that start like:
{ LINK Excel.

Toward the end of the field (it ends with: } ) you'll see the Sheet!Range
information. You should be able to substitute your range name for the absolute
cell reference.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

Peter Jamieson

If you always need the same columns but all of the rows, try e.g.


for columns A to O. As far as I know you cannot use the A1:O10 type range
notation in these links.

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