Links in Ink?



I have linked ink words without turning them into text before, but now cannot
do it. Any suggestions?
I am running the Technical Refresh of ON 2007.
Thank you!

Erik Sojka (MVP)

Can you clarify? Do you mean hyperlinking to or from the Ink?

When you select Ink and right-click, "Select Hyperlink to this paragraph"
isn't on the context menu?

When you select Ink, Insert | Hyperlink or Ctrl-K do nothing?


I linked an ink word TO a separate page.

Erik Sojka (MVP) said:
Can you clarify? Do you mean hyperlinking to or from the Ink?

When you select Ink and right-click, "Select Hyperlink to this paragraph"
isn't on the context menu?

When you select Ink, Insert | Hyperlink or Ctrl-K do nothing?

Grant Robertson

I have linked ink words without turning them into text before, but now cannot
do it. Any suggestions?
I am running the Technical Refresh of ON 2007.

It depends on whether the ink is being treated as handwriting or a
picture. You can create a link TO any paragraph, page, section, or
section group. You can only create a link FROM words. You can't create a
link FROM a picture.

So, if when you were writing you had OneNote set to "Create Drawings
Only" OR later converted handwriting to a drawing OR OneNote thought you
were making a drawing due to the way you were writing then you won't be
able to create a link FROM that word. However, you can always select the
ink and tell OneNote to "Treat Ink as Handwriting."

One other thing to keep in mind: As I have written previously, OneNote
also temporarily treats handwriting (ink currently being treated as
handwriting) as either a drawing or handwriting depending on how you have
selected it. If you selected the word in such a manner that OneNote
temporarily treats it as a drawing then you will not be able to create
the link. So what are the ways to select ink?

Selection Methods wherein OneNote treats handwriting as drawings:
1) Lasso select the words with either the Lasso tool or the Pen tool.
2) Use the Lasso tool and click on the word.
3) Use the Text Select tool and just click on the word.

Selection Methods wherein OneNote treats handwriting as handwriting:
1) Click on the paragraph handle. Naturally this selects the entire
2) Use the text select tool but click and drag to select the words.
(Remember, this only works if OneNote is currently treating that ink as

How can you tell whether OneNote has selected your words as handwriting
or drawings? If there is a dotted rectangle around your selection with
resizing handles at each corner and the middle of each side then OneNote
is treating it as a drawing. If the ink and a block around the word is
highlighted but with no dotted line then OneNote is treating it as
handwriting. As you are selecting words with the Text Select tool you
will also notice a difference in how it behaves. If you started your
click-and-drag on a picture then OneNote will drag out a selection
rectangle. If you started in a word then OneNote will do regular text
selection just like any word processor, except that OneNote will only
select whole words of handwriting.

Remember, OneNote can only select drawings as drawings. So, if what you
think is handwriting is actually being treated as drawings then you can't
select it as handwriting. Just convert it to handwriting first.


I have no trouble linking things, but thank you for your tips.
My trouble is the fact that it insists upon changing that linked word into
text. I'd prefer it stay as ink.

Grant Robertson

My trouble is the fact that it insists upon changing that linked word into
text. I'd prefer it stay as ink.
Interesting. Mine stay as ink. I thought that was pretty cool.

Now I better go double check to make sure I wasn't dreaming it.

Dag-nab-it! You are right! It does convert handwriting to text as soon as
you create a hyperlink. I am almost positive it did not do this just a
little while ago. I can't recall if it did this after I upgraded to B2TR
or not. If anyone has ON 07 but without the B2TR could you please try
this so I can know I am not going crazy?

Well, it is not the end of the world but it would have been cool to show
off links in handwriting. I wonder why they took that out. Perhaps they
are just accidentally calling the convert to text routine at the same
time and will fix it back in the RTM version.


My problem is similar: I don't remember when exactly it stopped leaving
it as ink, because it isn't something I do too often.
I have PROOF of links in ink, though, lol. There's a still a few in my
notes! And it says that the page with the ink-link (haha) was created

Grant Robertson

My problem is similar: I don't remember when exactly it stopped leaving
it as ink, because it isn't something I do too often.
I have PROOF of links in ink, though, lol. There's a still a few in my
notes! And it says that the page with the ink-link (haha) was created
on 9/26/2006...So I don't think it could be a B2TR thing...?

So what is up with these secret little changes lately? I have been
noticing a few but naturally can't document them because I didn't know
they were going to change. Are they arriving surreptitiouslyy in Office
or Windows updates? Would anyone from Microsoft care to comment?

Patrick Schmid [MVP]

I can only comment broadly, not for specific things. Across the board of
Office 2007, some things have been pulled since B2 and some bug fixes
have been postponed. The reason is that Microsoft has a shipping date to
meet (November) and needs to have the products with a certain level of
quality and stability, as well as security. Therefore if a feature
turned out to be a security problem that couldn't be fixed satisfactory
in time, or a feature didn't meet the quality standards and couldn't be
brought up to those in time, it was pulled. Keep in mind that every
feature, even when it is fully implemented, goes through a rather
lengthy process of testing, documentation, localization, etc, so what
seems to be a small thing to change ends up taking a rather long time.
Another reason why a feature might have been present in an earlier beta,
but now no longer, is that there might have been some serious difficulty
that arose with it during the beta, that MS just couldn't fix

Patrick Schmid [OneNote MVP]
Office 2007 Beta 2 Technical Refresh (B2TR):
Customize Office 2007:
OneNote 2007:
Subscribe to my Office 2007 blog:

Erik Sojka (MVP)

There are no updates secretly applied to your installation. Think about
it for a second - If you think you're running B2TR, and Help | About
confirms this, then MS sends some updates without a) telling you, and b)
incrementing the version number, how would they know *which* version of
B2TR you're reporting a bug against?

MS doesn't do that kind of shady stuff. Any updates will be clearly
marked as such and documentation available at the WU site, or the beta


So no answer as to why it can't/won't do ink-links? Because it was one
of my favorite things about the Beta, and I'm pretty bummed about the
change. I probably wouldn't have installed B2TR if I had known it was
going to remove my ability to do ink-links, assuming that B2TR was what
made the change...

Erik Sojka (MVP)

I don't know why the change was made.

So no answer as to why it can't/won't do ink-links? Because it was one
of my favorite things about the Beta, and I'm pretty bummed about the
change. I probably wouldn't have installed B2TR if I had known it was
going to remove my ability to do ink-links, assuming that B2TR was what
made the change...

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