Locking items on web page in place for all browsers



I've been using Publisher 2000 for years w/no problem creating a web site.
Have even figured out the diferences in 2002. But since switching, my site
does not hold its positions in Firefox. I have no problem reading it
correctly in any other browser - not entirely true things move a little; but
in Firefox, there is nothing of the set-up left. Am I missing a step
somewhere that locks the final pages? Am using Cute FTP to load to a paid isp
provider. I don't have the patience/mental health to teach myself Front Page
at the moment...MANY, many thanks for time, help & suggestions!!


When MS introduced 2002, they changed the html coding engine, and cross
browser support became a challenge. In some cases there are workarounds to
tweak the design and setup to leave webpages produced by 2003 more
compatible with FF. If you would post the URL of the problem page, we can
take a look at it, and perhaps offer some suggestions.

Do you still have Pub 2000? Are you using a new computer to produce your
site? A wide screen laptop perhaps?



The web address: www.ei-ifma.org I use Firefox & Optimal as my
browsers...Optimal shows everything, but things are 'off' just a bit...Same
computer used for over five years...I still have Pub 2000, but even
w/removing 2002, computer won't accept re-installation of 2000...Using Win2K
w/current updates in place...17" screen (same one-set at 600x800)
David...Many thanks...MS Newsgroups have never let me down & you're one of
the reasons!


Wowser! I did look at your site in both IE and FF, and neither one of them
looked good. I didn't read your post very closely, and thought you had moved
on to Pub 2003. Have you installed SP1? Read this article for the
differences in 2002:

Note you do not produce the html code in the same way as you did with Pub
2000. You do not "Save as a web page".

Check your page setup...your page is way wide...are you using a default
setting?...that might be a symptom.

Do you have anything overlapping the work and scratch areas?

Always run the Design Checker...it can be helpful finding problems.

Personally, I would strongly encourage you to figure out how to get Pub 2000
reloaded. It is by far a better version for web building. The HTML code is
not nearly as bloated, it handles images better, variable page length which
they brought back with 2003, it has much better cross browser support and
more. Have you tried to do a custom install, where you install it to its own
folder? Also, perhaps if the disc is scratched or damaged, copy it to your
hard drive and install it from there.

Hopefully Mary Sauer will read this, and give you some other ideas on how to
get Pub 2000 installed again. I know she has every version installed on her
computers... I don't know how using Win2000 changes anything. I ran Pub 2000
on 98se, ME and XP, but never 2000....



Thanks David...I'm at SP3 (I thought I'd done SP4)...I'll check out a few
more of your suggestions...I thought I'd checked all that, but you know how
it goes...Now the next question is...If I can get Pub 2000 reinstalled - is
there a way to access the new web site I've just spent 3 days creating (2002)
into IT? In any event...Many thanks for your time & help!! I'm 99.9% sure
I've nothing overlapping...but need to double check your other suggestions!

I too hope Mary Sauer reads this & can offer a thought or two about
re-installing 2000
Again...my thanks! (Oh, and by the way...I'd already saved your first blog
when I got 2002!)


Go back and read that article by David Bartosik again (I didn't write the
article). You did not use index.htm or index.html as your home page as
suggested in the article, you used default.htm. Also did you do a "Save As"
a web page, or did you "Export As" as you should in Pub 2002. You said you
are at SP3...are you sure you are talking about the Office SP...not the
operating system. It looks like you have produced "unfiltered" html vs.

How do you have your page dimensions setup up. (File > Page Setup) Are you
using a default setting or did you create a custom setting...you don't
change the length. Try the default wide setting and length.

As per Pub 2000 be sure to do a File Save As a Pub 2000 document before, or
if you uninstall Pub 2002. You can not open a Pub 2002 in Pub 2000. You may
have to adjust some of the formatting , or if you manage to keep both
versions installed, then you can copy and paste between the two.

When you try to install Pub 2000, using a custom install, into a custom
folder, what error message do you get? When you uninstalled Pub 2002, and
then tried to install Pub 2000, what error message? Do you still have Office
2000 installed, or did you overwrite it when you installed Office 2002 or
XP? Or do you just have Publisher? Post back the details of what you tried,
and the error messages.



Thanks...Again you remind me of things I might actually know...Got involved
w/another project & couldn't get back to you sooner...I think you've answered
my questions & I appreciate your time & help...I shall let you knwo when I've
got it set up properly...Keeping you in this loop...Suzanne


I noticed something else today. It appears that you are using perhaps a
javascript code snippet that you inserted via the insert HTML code fragment
tool. You can not overlap a text box with the code fragment box and you need
to make sure the code fragment box is large enough to accommodate the
results of the code when viewed. Otherwise it will shift things around. Try
dragging the code fragment boxes off your page into the scratch area and
previewing the site.

Good luck.


Mary Sauer

When you try to install Publisher 2000, do you get errors? Publisher 2000 is the
hardest version to get working right after other Office products are installed.

Create a folder on your hard drive, install Publisher 2000 to the new folder.

You may want to run the cleanup utility first, it will help.
Description of the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility

Let me know how it goes, there are other things you can try.


Hmmm...I didbn't think I'd remembered to putthe tracker in yet...In any
event...as of today...I've redone & uploaded several times since our last
communication...Am to the point where the latest is a problem w/part of the
links not remaining active...Am sure i'll figure that out eventually...I
shall check for your finding...Can't thank you enough for all your help!


Thanks Mary...I shall follow your suggestions & let you know...It's been a
while since I tried to install it; to be vey honest I don't remember an
error message other than something about newer version is already
installed...I'll try another drive (again)...I'm glad to know you are
available for suggestions...
Thanks muchly for your time & suggestion!

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