Looking to add "Rate This" capability to my web site



I am looking to get information on how I might add a type of "Rate This"
functionality to my web site. Is there a common software/add-on used out
there? Or is this a start-from-scratch type of functionality needed to be
created by a webmaster? If there are many options, I'm looking for simple to
install and simple usage. Thanks.

Jim Buyens

This depends a lot on how you want the rating function to work.

One approach, for example, is to build a simple HTML form that uses radio
buttons or drop-down lists for 1-to-5 scores, and then adds the information
to a database. Then, you code a custom query to summarize the results.

Otherwise, please describe in greater detail how you want the rating
function to work, or provide the URL of a site that does what you have in

Jim Buyens
Microsoft MVP
Author of:
|| Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services Inside Out
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming
|| (All from Microsoft Press)


To implement ratings requires scripting or an ASP.NET control either of
which depend on using a database. Actually inserting, reviewing and managing
depends on the quality and the scope of the application.


Thanks for your reply. I would be interested in something similar to where
buyers leave Positive, Negative or Neutral Feedback on Sellers at ebay.com.
And maybe short Feedback comments, like at ebay. Any thoughts?

Jim Buyens

In simple cases, saving form results to a database will probably suffice for
collecting the ratings, then. If, howver, you want to integrate this with
other database-oriented or programmed features, such as on-line sales, you
would probably need to do some custom programming in ASP.NET or ASP.

The Database Results Wizard can do simple reporting of this type. Howver, if
you want to report averages or counts rather than raw data, you'nn need to
write a custom SQL statement that summarizes the raw data.

If that doesn't provide the flexiblity you need, then once again you''d
probably need some custom ASP.NET or ASP programming.

Jim Buyens
Microsoft MVP
Author of:
|| Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services Inside Out
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming
|| (All from Microsoft Press)

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