Loss of Address Book, Calendar and all Emails



Version: v.X
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: pop

I have lost all data associated with Entourage. No account information, nothing.
Is there a way to retireve this data ?

Corentin Cras-Méneur

I have lost all data associated with Entourage. No account information,
nothing. Is there a way to retireve this data ?

Did you move the Microsoft User Data folder from ~/Documents?? Entourage
fails to find anything if you move this folder. Move it back where it
belongs and everything should be back,



Did you move the Microsoft User Data folder from ~/Documents?? Entourage
fails to find anything if you move this folder. Move it back where it
belongs and everything should be back,


--- Mac:MS MVP <http://www.cortig.net/wordpress/> ---
<http://www.mvps.org> - <http://mvp.support.microsoft.com>
MVPs are not MS employees - Les MVP ne travaillent pas pour MS
Remove "NoSpam" to e-mail me - Retirez "NoSpam" pour m'�crire
Thanks for the reply. However, the User Data Folder was not moved and is still under the username, documents. All folders within this folder have been updated the moment this thing died and there is nothing in them. Most folders under the Main Identity have 16KB. I tried to find other folders, but there are no additional folders on this Mac.

Corentin Cras-Méneur

Thanks for the reply. However, the User Data Folder was not moved and is
still under the username, documents. All folders within this folder have
been updated the moment this thing died and there is nothing in them.
Most folders under the Main Identity have 16KB. I tried to find other
folders, but there are no additional folders on this Mac.

It looks like something went awfyully wrong on your Mac. The subfolder
for the identity itself should be fairly large.

If you haven't moved anything, you should use a good disk utility to
scan and hopefully repair your hard drive. Folders shouldn't disappear
just like that,


Ed Kimball

Thanks for the reply. However, the User Data Folder was not moved and is still
under the username, documents. All folders within this folder have been
updated the moment this thing died and there is nothing in them. Most folders
under the Main Identity have 16KB. I tried to find other folders, but there
are no additional folders on this Mac.

Are you sure it wasn't moved? If Entourage can't find it, it will create a
new, empty one without any feedback or warning. That's the one you're seeing
now. The question is, what happened to the old one?


Hi Ed, I did a search for those folders but found only the ones that were empty. There are no duplicate folders to move or take data out of. Very frustrating ! I am going to set up Mail and forget about Entourage.
I appreciate everybody's help greatly.
Thanks again

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