Maximized and Docked forms in Access?


Max Moor

Hi All,

I'm building a new Access 2002 runtime app, and I want a different look
and feel than I've had in the past.

When the program opens, I want a navigation pane to open on the left
side that is essentially docked there. It's not closeable and not moveable
or resizeable.

When the various forms and reports open, I want them to do so always
maximized in the remaining space, preferably with just a close button. I
don't want the forms to be minimizeable, moveable, or sizeable, just

Is there an easy way to make a form do either of these things?


Damon Heron

Yes, it can be done. Too much to explain here, but this will get you
Your first form should have border style set to none. On load event, enter:

Me.Form.Move Left:=0, top:=0, Width:=15260, Height:=10160

play with the last two numbers. This essentially creates a full screen form
that you can refine with your command buttons on the left side, perhaps with
a box section. Then your forms that open from the command buttons can be
moved, movesized, set insideheight and insidewidth, etc. See help for these



Max Moor

Yes, it can be done. Too much to explain here, but this will get you
Your first form should have border style set to none. On load event,

Me.Form.Move Left:=0, top:=0, Width:=15260, Height:=10160

play with the last two numbers. This essentially creates a full screen
form that you can refine with your command buttons on the left side,
perhaps with a box section. Then your forms that open from the command
buttons can be moved, movesized, set insideheight and insidewidth, etc.
See help for these properties.



Hi Damon,

Thanks for the response. I started doing just as you suggested.
During a coffee break, I went looking some more, and found a reference to
some code in the Access Developer's Handbook.

I bought the set a few years ago, and have used it to death, but never
thought about looking there for this. It turns out that Chapter 8 is all
about form manipulation, and includes a FormInfo class module that does all
the tricks I wanted.

Those books were a well spent $80. I wish I'd remember to check them
out more.


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