MHT attachments RECEIVED in outlook 2003 all MESSED UP



Okies, so you go into ONE NOTES and you draw a pretty
picture and add some text and then you save the note as an
..MHT file because you are going to send it to your friend and
they do NOT HAVE One notes. So you take the .mht file and
attache it to an OUTLOOK 2003 e-mail and send it out.


So they get the attachment in Outlook 2003 and what they
have is... is.. well.. ICKY SNOT!!

I mean they get a blank "thing" with lots of little red
X's where pics should be and all the PICS are listed above as
separate pics in the attachment area.

They can save the individual pics - yeah, big fat hairy
icky deal - and then look at them.. but they are really

Now here is the WEIRD THING: I sent the .mht file to
myself using Outlook 2003. Okies, so I go to the SENT folder
and read the message attachment - it is FINE! It opens the way
it is supposed to and all is lovely. I go to the INBOX and
there is the message I sent to myself and THAT ATTACHMENT is
all messed up. Back to a "frame" and pics up in the attachment

Sooo.... does ANYONE have ANY idea WHAT THE DEAL IS?!?
I've went looking and searching and, of course, ZERO found to
tell me what is wrong.

Thank you so very much for your time. :)

neo [mvp outlook]

zip it before sending.

mht or mhtml is a mime encapsulated html document meant to be rendered in a
browser. it does not survive passing to the operating system's dll
responsible for translating binary/mapi to mime and vice versa.


There is no workaround? Nothing "simple" that would allow
Outlook to easily and properly view mht attachments? - Sadness
everywhere. :(

I kind of figured that would be the case but I was HOPING
that it would be some simple "switch" that I was missing,
something "easy" that I could tell peeps; "do this to see this
attachment properly".

I was thinking of just printing to the PDF writer.

Of COURSE the questioned begged is: WHY would MS screw up
mht file attachments in Outlook when they are perfectly FINE
in Outlook Express -AND- when their ONE NOTES program relies
upon the mht format to allow NON-One Notes peeps to see the
notes?!?!? Grr... Pfft!

Oh well! - Hands in the air.

Thank you very much for your reply and time. I appreciate
it even if you did not give me the answer I was hoping for. :)

Be well and take care.

Diane Poremsky

Are you using Outlook 2003 on the machine with OneNote? If so, send it using
the office envelope and it will be an HTML message.

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