Mouse move property



I need sombody to help to resolve this problem. I am having an access
continueous form which is having detail regading some assigned jobs.
Due to restriction i can not show the information in job description
field . I used the vertical scroll bars already so that the user can
scroll the text. But i wish if i can use the mouse move property so
that if the user moves the mouse over the feild for job description
then the complete job description appear as a ballon box. when he
moves out this should hide.

missinglinq via

Can't make it return to pre-expanded state on MouseMove off of the field, but
this code will expand it on MouseMove onto the field; the user will have to
click to close it. This code expands a text box when the mouse moves over it.
The same code could be used in other events such as Double-Click or GotFocus
(these wouldn't need the .SetFocus line) as well.

Private Sub YourJobDescriptionTextBox_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As
Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
If Not IsNull(YourJobDescriptionTextBox) Then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdZoomBox
End If
End Sub

Marshall Barton

Jose said:
I need sombody to help to resolve this problem. I am having an access
continueous form which is having detail regading some assigned jobs.
Due to restriction i can not show the information in job description
field . I used the vertical scroll bars already so that the user can
scroll the text. But i wish if i can use the mouse move property so
that if the user moves the mouse over the feild for job description
then the complete job description appear as a ballon box. when he
moves out this should hide.

Not what you asked for, but maybe you can get some ideas


Thanks for all the help

With some modification i could managed to get what i was looking for.

Dim Job_desc As String
If Not IsNull([Job Description]) Then
[Job Description].SetFocus
Job_desc = [Job Description]
[Job Description].ControlTipText = Job_desc
End If

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