Move to Access from Dataease


Chris Gradden


I have a prospective customer who is currently working with DataEase (not
sure which version) and is interested in changing to a different solution.

My question is this, is there any way to convert or import the existing
dataease db into access? I can't seem to find much info about this.

Thanks for your time,


Douglas J. Steele

Does DataEase have the ability to export its data to other formats (such as
csv or dbf)? If so, you should be able to export the data and then import it
into Access.

You'll have to rebuild any functionality (screens, reports, etc.)

Jerry Whittle

Like Doug Steele said, you might, probably can, bring in the existing data
into Access; however, there is no tool that I know of which will convert your
forms, reports, etc., into an Access database.

Actually even the data might not be much good without a lot of work. Why are
they looking for a different solution? If the existing database is not
properly normalized or working as the client wants, chances are that the
existing data will not fit readily into a new database. That leaves you with
a couple of options. (1) Start fresh with a new, empty database or (2) do
data migration. You've lived a good, clean life if the client accepts option
1. Option 2 can be as much work as building the new Access database!

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