Moving from VBA to Intranet programming



This may not be the place but here goes...

For the past several years I have been automating Office routines,
integrating Access, Excel, Word and MSQuery in a whole series of
applications, some of which are fairly extensive and complex.

My company now wants to move all these things to our intranet to increase
their availability and standardize operations (we now have several "web apps"
accessed through various intranet sites).

My question is what is the best long term approach for moving and
maintaining these programs as "web based" routines. The existing routines
are written mostly in C# and Python, but the IT types tell me Python is going
away and Java will likely become the standard for web app development.

What is vs. Visual Studio.Net? I've looked at some of .net framework
stuff, but I really need to find a decent book on the stuff...Any

In short, I need some suggestions on how to begin this migration and how to
do it so as to minimize re-working some of these routines.

Thanx..'Preciat y'all



yeah, get a book and start reading. or get one of the into .net courses on

c# is a language that is just fine for developing web apps. i don't know
about python, but c# and are the microsoft tools that you probably
want to look at. is another language that is an extension of asp using the .net
framework. if you don't have asp now you probably don't need to worry about
this. is a development environment where you can program in c# or or, compile and debug and test your applications. it is the
developement environment you would want to use if you are going to develop based applications using c# or or

as far as where to ask for book recommendations you probably want to go to
one of the 'dotnet' groups under microsoft.public.dotnet, good places to
start are .faqs, .framework, or .general. but you would really do best to
pick up a book or cd training course to get some of the basics first.

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