MS Access 2003 does not work properly with JPGs, Office XP did!



Even though Access XP could handle JPGs - the dominant form of pictures,
Office 2003 with all the standard patches/service packs STILL doesn't!!!

To get jpgs to show up properly in reports, you must have a copy of Office
XP and install photo editor!!!! I have no idea how people without an OLDER
copy of Office work with Access and pictures or if they just use a better
database than Access 2003.

Considering how much pictures are part of any good inventory program, I have
no idea what MS was thinking or not thinking about when they threw out Access

Furthermore Access needs to work on all the white space when developing a
database with pictures. A database with a hundred SMALL jpg files becomes
absurdly large.

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Thanks - this is a good write up of the flaw in 2003 that still hasn't bee
addressed. My concern is that MS has removed functionality that was
previously in Access to handle pictures. A database that doesn't support
pictures is about as useful as a non-relational database. Might as well use
Excel. Relying on a third party tool or other "workarounds" seems
rediculous. Why doesn't MS just fix the issue? OH yeah, now I remember -
they have 99% of their engineers working on prettier mac- like interfaces
instead of fixing bugs/flaws/weaknesses of their programs. I'm sure if MAC
released a database that natively supported pictures in reports, MS would
wake the engineers and have them resolve it ASAP.


I appreciate it. As you see from my first post - it is basically the same
solution they have. I'm just really really frustrated with MS for removing
a feature (an important one in my opinion) from a product that worked
several years ago. I'm not sure why if IE can open JPGs access cannot

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