MS Simple ?s



How can I center, right or left justify. change font, and size in a text
box when using MS Project?

How can I create a legend using my own customized milestones and delete
the standard milestones populated for this particular software?

How to word wrapIs there a way to make the text that I display along each
bar “word-wrap†and show as 2 (or more) lines of text, instead of always 1
long single-line phrase?

Rob Schneider

Re the first question, when you say "text box", what do you mean. You
meand the cells (intersection of rows and columns) in a table view or do
you mean in the tasks Notes box? For the former, select what you want to
change and then: Menu/Format/Fonts, and change the left/right/justify
with the toolbar buttons. For the later the Task Notes editor box had
formatting buttons on the screen.

For creating a legend with your own customised milestones ... Can you
please elaborate on what are the "standard milestones"? Project
normally opens with a blank project and any tasks you enter and make
them milestones will be of your construction.

You can change the height of the rows in Project and see some
wordwrapping. Select the row (or rows by hitting the square in the top
left corner of the table view) and in the left most gray square drag the
row to a new height. You can also specify row height in the Table View
setting. Word wrapping in Project is not as sophisticated as you might
see in Word or Excel.



When I say "text box" I would create a text box by going to Tools, Customize,
Toolsbar then click the "Drawing" box. I would create the text box by
clicking onto the "text box icon" and insert my info. But I noticed that I
can not justify, bold, change fonts within this box. Is it better to use an
editor box for these functions than the text box? If so, how do I create an
editor box?

In response to your second question, I received a customized project
document, which I need to create a legend and add a different set of
milestones from the ones that has been created with the original document. I
would go to View, Header and Footer, then click on the Legend tab and check
the box Legend on every page. This would populated the standard legend. At
this point I would like to customize it to correspond with I have created for
the milestones and bar graphs. This may sound a little confusing. I can send
you an example via e-mail. I was told that I can create a legend in
Powerpoint and copy/paste into project. What do you think?

For your last response, I may have not been clear on what I am trying to
accomplish. I would create a task, then I would create a subtask. In the
subtask, I would insert into the task info name box a long description of the
task. When I view it on the task bar, it displays as a very long sentence. I
tried to find a way to word wrap this info but I came up with nothing. Is
there a way to perform this function?
May God Bless You All!

Jan De Messemaeker


For the text box see my other post

For the legend;: the legend displays the names and formats you can se eand
update in Bar Styles (Format, Bar Styles). When you define your "special
milestones" there they will show in the legend.

Also read FAQ 31 (Customizing Task Bars) at

For the 3rd question: not possible AFAIK

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32 495 300 620
For availability check:


I had tried that and that doesn't work. Do you think the editor box that Rob
Schneider mentioned is more user friendly.

Rob Schneider

I was talking of the special editor box that allows you to edit task
notes. Look at it and see. Not possible, though, to use as the way you
are wanting to put text onto the Gantt Chart as it is text associated
with a Note

If it really important to get perfectly formatted text onto the Gantt
chart, then try inserting a PowerPoint or Word "object" via Menu:
Insert/Object command.

This not something I've done a whole lot of ... not worth the time.
When "pretty" plans needed, just pass on to the graphics artists (and
get the people who want the "pretty" plans to pay the bill).


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