MUD folder



How does one remove the 'MUD' folder from Spotlight's indexing regime
in the spotlight
system prefs.? I do not know where to find these items or even what
they are, except I can use Spotlight to find items on the hard drive.

Thank you,


Daiya Mitchell

How does one remove the 'MUD' folder from Spotlight's indexing regime
in the spotlight
system prefs.? I do not know where to find these items or even what
they are, except I can use Spotlight to find items on the hard drive.

Thank you,


Apple menu, System Preferences, Spotlight, Privacy settings.

Set the folder ~/documents/microsoft user data/ as private to keep Spotlight
from trying to index it.

If you have other stuff in the MUD folder (MS User Data), say in Saved
Attachments, you might want to just set the ~/documents/microsoft user
data/office 2004 identities/ as excluded.

Your Entourage database, rules, etc are kept in ~/documents/microsoft user
data/office 2004 identities/[name of your main identity]. It's a good
folder to backup regularly, by the way.

If you don't know what "system prefs" is, you must be new to the Mac and I
suggest you google for some webpages of advice on switching to the Mac, or
MacHelp has some topics on that. "Preferences" aka "prefs" is a pretty
central concept on the Mac.

Here's another one-- the ~ I used in the filepaths above is the shorthand
for "your user account", or for macintosh HD/users/your user account .

Hope that helps,



Thanks for the info. I do know what prefs are and can usually work
with them, but these are folders I've never had to look for or use.
I'm primarily concerend with using my Mac to generate text and to do
research. I'm not so interested in what happens behind the scenes, so
to speak.

I found the MUD folder and put it under privacy in Spotlight.

I cannot find ~/documents/microsoft user_data/office 2004 identities/

And your following paragraph that begins "Your Entourage database,
rules, etc. . ." really loses me. I have no idea what all of that

Thank you again.


Daiya said:
How does one remove the 'MUD' folder from Spotlight's indexing regime
in the spotlight
system prefs.? I do not know where to find these items or even what
they are, except I can use Spotlight to find items on the hard drive.

Thank you,


Apple menu, System Preferences, Spotlight, Privacy settings.

Set the folder ~/documents/microsoft user data/ as private to keep Spotlight
from trying to index it.

If you have other stuff in the MUD folder (MS User Data), say in Saved
Attachments, you might want to just set the ~/documents/microsoft user
data/office 2004 identities/ as excluded.

Your Entourage database, rules, etc are kept in ~/documents/microsoft user
data/office 2004 identities/[name of your main identity]. It's a good
folder to backup regularly, by the way.

If you don't know what "system prefs" is, you must be new to the Mac and I
suggest you google for some webpages of advice on switching to the Mac, or
MacHelp has some topics on that. "Preferences" aka "prefs" is a pretty
central concept on the Mac.

Here's another one-- the ~ I used in the filepaths above is the shorthand
for "your user account", or for macintosh HD/users/your user account .

Hope that helps,

Daiya Mitchell

Hi Batch,
I'm not so interested in what happens behind the scenes, so
to speak.

Generally, protecting yourself from losing data, customizations etc,
requires a little bit of knowledge about what is happening behind the
scenes. Otherwise you don't know what you need to back up. Of course, if
you have a solution set up that backs up your entire hard drive or your
entire Documents folder every week or every day, you can probably put off
learning about behind the scenes. Those who don't have such a backup
solution will find that a little knowledge can enable a lot of protection.

For the sake of the archives, I shall answer your comments regardless.
I cannot find ~/documents/microsoft user_data/office 2004 identities/

Whoops, you didn't specify version. For Entourage 10.1.4, it's going to say
Entourage X, not Entourage 2004. So can you find the folder:

~/documents/microsoft user_data/office X identities/
Your Entourage database, rules, etc are kept in ~/documents/microsoft user
data/office 2004 identities/[name of your main identity]. It's a good
folder to backup regularly, by the way.
I have no idea what all of that

Okay. I assume that you recognize text separated by slashes as a filepath
denoting a location on your hard drive, but don't understand why I would
give you that filepath?

When you open Entourage, it shows you all kinds of email, you have all kinds
of addresses and phone numbers there, you might have created rules to help
manage the mail, etc, etc, etc. Behind the scenes, the program stores all
the mail in a database. Everything that you see in Entourage is stored in:

Username/documents/microsoft user data/office X identities/Main Identity

That's the default setting. I'm guessing you probably haven't changed it. In
case of corruption or a hard drive crash, it's a good idea to have a backup
of this folder.



Thanks for the info. I do know what prefs are and can usually work
with them, but these are folders I've never had to look for or use.
I'm primarily concerend with using my Mac to generate text and to do
research. I'm not so interested in what happens behind the scenes, so
to speak.

I found the MUD folder and put it under privacy in Spotlight.

I cannot find ~/documents/microsoft user_data/office 2004 identities/

And your following paragraph that begins "Your Entourage database,
rules, etc. . ." really loses me. I have no idea what all of that

Thank you again.


Daiya said:
How does one remove the 'MUD' folder from Spotlight's indexing regime
in the spotlight
system prefs.? I do not know where to find these items or even what
they are, except I can use Spotlight to find items on the hard drive.

Thank you,


Apple menu, System Preferences, Spotlight, Privacy settings.

Set the folder ~/documents/microsoft user data/ as private to keep Spotlight
from trying to index it.

If you have other stuff in the MUD folder (MS User Data), say in Saved
Attachments, you might want to just set the ~/documents/microsoft user
data/office 2004 identities/ as excluded.

Your Entourage database, rules, etc are kept in ~/documents/microsoft user
data/office 2004 identities/[name of your main identity]. It's a good
folder to backup regularly, by the way.

If you don't know what "system prefs" is, you must be new to the Mac and I
suggest you google for some webpages of advice on switching to the Mac, or
MacHelp has some topics on that. "Preferences" aka "prefs" is a pretty
central concept on the Mac.

Here's another one-- the ~ I used in the filepaths above is the shorthand
for "your user account", or for macintosh HD/users/your user account .

Hope that helps,



thank you for the helpful information; however, when I click the go to
folder and type in ~/documents/microsoft user_data/office X identities/
I receive a message saying folder cannot be located.



Daiya Mitchell

There is no underscore [_] in microsoft user data. You put that in there at
some point and I accidentally copied it back to you.

When Go To can't find something, it's probably always worth checking to see
if you can navigate to it in the finder yourself.

Don't forget ~ is shorthand for

Barry Wainwright

Don't forget ~ is shorthand for

Well, not quite!

In unix terms, ~ refers to /Users/YourUserName/ (unless your .login profile
has declared another path to your home directory)

In Mac Terms this path would be declared as YourDiskName:Users:YourUserName

POSIX paths do not use the startup disk name as the root for paths.

Daiya Mitchell

Don't forget ~ is shorthand for
Well, not quite!

In unix terms, ~ refers to /Users/YourUserName/ (unless your .login profile
has declared another path to your home directory)

In Mac Terms this path would be declared as YourDiskName:Users:YourUserName

POSIX paths do not use the startup disk name as the root for paths.

Thanks, Barry. I'll try not to forget. :)


Daiya said:
Thanks, Barry. I'll try not to forget. :)

okay so now i typed in ~/documents/microsoft userdata/office X
identities/ and recived the same reply folder cannot be found. I also
searched the hard drive and received 0 hits.

I do not know what you are referring to when you say YourDiskName or
Your User Name. what are those things?



Barry Wainwright

okay so now i typed in ~/documents/microsoft userdata/office X
identities/ and recived the same reply folder cannot be found. I also
searched the hard drive and received 0 hits.

I do not know what you are referring to when you say YourDiskName or
Your User Name. what are those things?



Don't type the ±/ at the start of the string. That's written notation to let
you know where to start.

To remopve the MUD folder from spotlight take the following steps:

1. Open system prefs
2. select the spotlight prefs pane
3. select the 'privacy' tab in the prefs window
4. click the '+' button just below the folder listing
5. Navigate to your 'Documents' folder, then select the 'Microsoft User
Data' folder and click the 'Choose' button

That's it - you can now close the system prefs. And spotlight will no longer
try to index the MUD every time it is changed.

Daiya Mitchell

okay so now i typed in ~/documents/microsoft userdata/office X
identities/ and recived the same reply folder cannot be found. I also
searched the hard drive and received 0 hits.

BF---when Go To doesn't work, try navigating to a folder instead. Make sure
you are in the Finder. Hit cmd-n to bring up a new Finder Window. Now look
for the appropriate folder, opening folders one by one. That way you will
figure out what the right path is, and not have to worry about the typos you
keep on making.

Let me repeat the important part of what I said a long time ago:

Everything that you see in Entourage is stored in:

~/documents/microsoft user data/office X identities/Main Identity

That's the default setting. I'm guessing you probably haven't changed it. In
case of corruption or a hard drive crash, it's a good idea to have a backup
of this folder.
I do not know what you are referring to when you say YourDiskName or
Your User Name. what are those things?

Seriously? I'm starting to think you are messing with me.

YourDiskName--in your case, that's probably your hard drive. The thing that
all the applications are installed on. By default, it may be called
Macintosh HD, but since I always change the name on mine, I don't remember.
Only you really know what the name of yours is. For some people in a
corporate setting, YourDiskName may even be a place on a networked server.

YourUserName--well, to use your computer, you have to have a user. Nobody
knows what you called your user but you. All your personal stuff is kept in
your UserName folder. This is what ~ is shorthand for. If you login, the
name you use is YourUserName.

Daiya Mitchell

Don't type the ±/ at the start of the string. That's written notation to let
you know where to start.

To remopve the MUD folder from spotlight take the following steps:

1. Open system prefs
2. select the spotlight prefs pane
3. select the 'privacy' tab in the prefs window
4. click the '+' button just below the folder listing
5. Navigate to your 'Documents' folder, then select the 'Microsoft User
Data' folder and click the 'Choose' button

That's it - you can now close the system prefs. And spotlight will no longer
try to index the MUD every time it is changed.

Oh, I think he already accomplished that part, way back at the start of this
thread, or at least he said he did. Now I don't know what he's trying to
actually *do*--I tried a little education and mentioned that all the
Entourage data is stored in the Identity folder and this discussion has been
going on from there because he can't find anything via Go To, which is quite
sensitive to minor mistakes and typos.




Thank you for your instructions. My computer was very glitched and
slow as glue on a winter's day. Now after following your instructions
it is back to the way it used to be--fast and reliable.

Thanks again,



Well, here I am again with Entourage failing in a new way. Can anyone
tell me why Entourage and Tiger appear so incompatible?

When I attempt to use Entourage now I receive the following error
The SMTP server for Brian Fitch does not recognize any of the
authentication methods supported by Entourage. To send e-mail, try
disabling SMTP authentication in the account settings or talk to your

An uinknown error (5530) occurred

Barry Wainwright

And did you try disabling authentication?

What type of account is it? POP or IMAP.

Is it an in-house mail server or your ISPs?


I tried disabling authentication but I could not find it.

I think it's a TCP/IP account

The biggest problem I have is with the in-house server at my
university. At home my ISP works okay.


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