I have a sheet which includes delivery location (s). The default has one
delivery location along with the delivery date & time, time to unload, an
odometer reading on arrival, and the date & time leaving the location. These
data are used in several different ways elsewhere in the sheet and work fine.
HOWEVER; on occasion, there will be several delivery stops ( with associated
data) involved. I need to set up a way to A) show the information; B) be able
to use the data in formulae.
At present, all stops show in the same cell. (that's OK for "seeing") but
any processing returns the #value error. I could set up a new row for each
stop... (leaves mucho dead cells and formulae tend to fail). Can also put
the additional stops into a table; but how to access and use for
Ideas, suggestions........................
Thnx for assistance....
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons; for you are crunchy...
and taste good with ketchup!!!!!!!!!

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