My .doc files have become Wordpad



I received a .docx file and in order to open it I downloaded a
conversion from Microsoft for my MS Office 2003. However now all my
hundreds of WORD and EXCEL files have become Wordpad files!

If I click on a file which I know is Excel, open it with Excel (it
does have the .xls extension) than go SAVE AS and save it again, it
still is saved as a Wordpad and once again I have to request the use
of Excel to open it.
The same problem occurs with all my .doc files which are now all
Wordpad without any formating.

I am worried. Please help.


Graham Mayor

Your documents haven't changed at all. They are still the same documents
they always were and can be opened from Word without problem. What has
happened is that Windows has lots its file association settings for DOC and
You should be able to fix this by repairing Office (or re-registering Word - ) but a simple
solution is to right click a DOC file in Windows Explorer and select Open
with - then Choose Program (not Microsoft Word even if it is a choice) then
from the ensuing dialog, pick Microsoft Word and check the 'always use this
program' check box before OK-ing out of the dialog. Repeat the procedure for
for XLS, though thgis time choose Excel to open the file.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Your documents haven't changed at all. They are still the same documents
they always were and can be opened from Word without problem. What has
happened is that Windows has lots its file association settings for DOC and
You should be able to fix this by repairing Office (or re-registering Word - but a simple
solution is to right click a DOC file in Windows Explorer and select Open
with - then Choose Program (not Microsoft Word even if it is a choice) then
from the ensuing dialog, pick Microsoft Word and check the 'always use this
program' check box before OK-ing out of the dialog. Repeat the procedure for
for XLS, though thgis time choose Excel to open the file.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

My web
Word MVP web site
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You gave me the solution and it worked perfectly! Thank you so much!


Graham Mayor


You gave me the solution and it worked perfectly! Thank you so much!


You are welcome :)

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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