Navigating to end / beginning of document



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: intel

On a MacBook laptop without 'End' and 'Home' keys, how does one navigate (quickly) to the end of a document or back to the beginning of a document?


Hi Jill -

Look a bit more closely - you should find arrow keys in the lower right
corner of the keyboard. I'm not 100% on the MacBook, but on my MacBook Pro
the left arrow is marked with Home & the right is marked with End. Hold
fn+Command+L/R Arrow to go to start or end of the doc. Fn+Arrow for
start/end of line.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


Hi Bob
Thanks for this - problem solved. The MacBook (not Pro) does not have Home and End marked on those (or any other) keys. I thought I had tried every possible key combination with the arrows to make it work but obviously missed that one. Thanks for your help.


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