Need recalc for successive years


Mr Warwick

I use WIN98 and Excel. I need to do the following sum on a

My pensions produce an income of A
My Savings are B
My savings deliver an income of C
So my total income is (A+C)
Expenditure is D

So over the year the surplus\deficit is (A+C)-D
I then say E=(A+C)-D
If I am receiving more than I spend, then E will be a plus figure, if the
other way round, a minus.

Problem: I now want for year TWO to add E into my savings figure, either
increasing it, if E is a plus, or decreasing it if E is a minus. This in
turn increases or decreases the income from my savings.

And so on for (say) twenty or thirty successive years.

Can I do this on Excel?
If so, how?
Is this the right newsgroup?
If not, which?


Mr Warwick


It sounds like all you have to do is make a cell refference to the sum
of year one in the beginning of your calculation for year two...

Best regards,

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