Need to calculate the difference between different pairs of values!



Hello! Please help!

I have a column with 20 integers, from 1 to 20. Each integer is
associated with a value in a second column.

These integers represent 20 evenly spaced points along a circle.
Points 1 and 20 are therefore close together, whereas points 1 and 10
are maximally separated.

I need to calculate the difference between the recorded values for
every possible combination of lag distances! Namely,
points with a lag distance of 1 would include (1,2) (2,3) (3,4)
(4,5) ... (20,1)
points with a lag distance of 2 would include (1,3) (2,4) (3,5) (4,6)
(5,7) ... (20,2)
points with a lag distance of 10 (maximal distance!) would include
(1,10) (2,11) (3,12) (4,13) ... (20,10)

I need to present all the calculated differences of my recorded values
in a new column. For each calculated difference I would also need to
know which lag I'm dealing with (1,2, ... 10), perhaps in another

Thank you!



Sub Lag_Dist()

'place number in Column A from rows 2 to 21
Total_Numbers = 20
For Lag = 1 To 10
Col_Num = Lag + 1
Cells(1, Col_Num) = "Lag " & Lag
For Num = 0 To (Total_Numbers - 1)
Row_Num = Num + 2
Second_Row_Num = ((Num + Lag) Mod Total_Numbers) + 2
Cells(Row_Num, Col_Num) = _
Range("A" & Row_Num) - Range("A" & Second_Row_Num)
Next Num
Next Lag

End Sub

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