NextRecord problem when inside textbox for graphic labels



I have designed a custom graphic label. All the MailMerge
features work fine. EXCEPT!! THE PROBLEM IS with the Word
Field called - <<NextRecord>>. My merge fields are inside
a text box. When I run the Merge command, I get an error
message that it won't work. If I remove <<NextRecord>>
then the process works fine, but (as you know) I get the
same record over and over.

Where & how can I place the word field <<NextRecord>> on
the label and make it work correctly?

The label is laid out like this:

3 Sections:

Section 1: Top Left - Logo
Section 2: Top Middle & Right - Rectangular box with
Return address on top of it (in a text box).
Section 3: Bottom - Rectangular box with Sender's address
on top of it (in a text box).

As stated before, the problem is with the <<NextRecord>>
code in the textbox. Please help!


Instead of using text boxes, split the cell that forms each label into two
rows, and then split the top cell into two.

Please post any further questions or followup to the newsgroups for the
benefit of others who may be interested. Unsolicited questions forwarded
directly to me will only be answered on a paid consulting basis.

Hope this helps
Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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