Non-Printing Numbers


Richard P Woolf

Hi, I am having a problem with Access 2000, for which I
can't find the answer on Technet

Bascially I have a standard database which was converted
from Access 97, but none of the numeric characters in the
text fields are prininting, they are all hidden. This
happens accross all reports, and is unaffected by choice
of printer



Duane Hookom

This has been posted a few times a year and I had to search Google for the
thread with the answer.
=== What I Found ==============
Hi all,

The fix is quite simple but still strange ...

For some reason the registry key 1025 is set to ON (concerning arabic
language) and the arabic language is not taken care of ...

You either turn it OFF :
Key : HKEY_USERS\<<user
(As to be done for every user on the machine)

or install the arabic language (good for everyone):
Control Panel
Regional settings
General tab
Check the arabic language
Accept and reboot

I found it on Microsoft French site KB469516:

If you have the problem I'm sure you can read french !!

=== End of what I found =======

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