Norton Anti-spam


Richard Britton

How can I disable the Norton Anti-Spam plug-in in Outlook 2003? I'm using XP

I've recently reinstalled Nortin Internet Security (2004) and now am having
problems with Outlook (messages appear in the Outbox with Date: None against
them and won't send)

I've had this problem before - and the solution was to disable the plug-in.
But I don't remeber how to do it.




You can try this (mine is Outlook 2003).

In Tools/Options/Advanced Options, select COM Add-Ins, and you should see it
there. Try to uncheck or remove it, but.....

Based on my earlier experiences, it does not work with this method.

What I have learned is to completely remove and reinstall the program, and
disable the Anti-Spam from NIS's settings and MOST IMPORTANTLY, after you
updated the NIS and opened up Outlook and Outlook Express for the first time
after the installation, select "NO" when NIS asks if you wish to integrate
Anti-Spam into the mail client.

That's the only way that I know for sure that it will not integrate with
Outlook and Outlook Express (up to NIS 2006 for which I am using now).

Good luck and hope this helps.

Richard Britton

Thanks for this. Problem is - on starting Outlook for the first time after
reloading NIS I wasn't prompted about integrating NIS - this happened by
default. So problem reappeared.

However your post reminded me of the solution implemented last time this
hapened - which was simply to delete (or move) the MSOUPLUG.DLL file.
Outlook still looks for the plug-in, but the problem is resolved & I'm now
sending emails again!

I am also told that upgrading to NIS 2005 (or 2006) will also resolve this
issue. Do you have any views on this? Thanks.



In my case, I had to do the same thing for NIS 2005. And NIS 2005, if I
remembered correctly, gave me more headache during initial installation and
configuration (but not to discredit it for it's core functions).

For NIS 2006, I just installed a few days ago. It is somehow easier. I did
encounter the same alert message when I first opened up Outlook Express
after installation and updates. However, it did not ask me for the same
question when I opened up Outlook 2003. I went to check the setting in
Outlook, and the plug-in is still there, but unchecked. Guess, it has
learned from the previous settings.

As a standard procedure for me to install NIS, I always disable Anti-Spam
and the option for integration with Office right after a successful
installation and before using any other programs.

I don't know if they have improved it, but I don't want to waste my time to
try it.

Hope this helps.

Richard Britton

Thanks again for your help - I'll let you know how I get on with NIS 2005/06
install (and will make sure to disable Ant-spam before I run Outlook for the
1st time)

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